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Member Medication History

This reporting dashboard presents member-specific prescription medication information for all eligible MaineCare members who have had an encounter within the last 365 days. The information provided in the reporting can be filtered by a number of criteria based on user selection.

Before Getting Started

Before diving in, use of this reporting dashboard requires clear understanding of a few foundational components that we leverage in our analytics and reporting. If you haven’t already, be sure to read through some precursory definitions and methodologies. Those areas that we think may be helpful to review specific to the understanding of this reporting dashboard include:

Data Sources & Refresh Frequency

HealthInfoNet’s reporting dashboards combine a number of data files sourced from HealthInfoNet’s Health Information Exchange (HIE) data warehouse and MaineCare’s eligibility and claims information. For each dashboard available, users should understand the primary data source(s) and refresh frequency to instill confidence in and inform use of the reporting within their workflows. Learn more…

Member Eligibility Inclusion Criteria

HealthInfoNet’s data use agreement with the Maine Department of Health and Human Services permits the Office of MaineCare Services to view information from the statewide HIE according to specific member eligibility inclusion criteria. To meet this criteria, HealthInfoNet receives a daily eligibility file from MaineCare that is used to refresh each reporting dashboard on a daily basis. Learn more…

Tips & Tricks

The more you know how to work the nuts and bolts of each reporting dashboard’s built-in functionality, the better you’ll be able to effectively and efficiently use the dashboards to your advantage. That’s why we’ve created a list of best practices, lessons learned, and other tips and tricks to optimize your experience while working in the platform. Learn more…

Dashboard Definitions

Not sure what you’re looking at? No problem! We’ve done the homework for you by detailing the definitions, use cases, and any other relevant notes about all charts and tables available in this dashboard.

🔢 Member Medication History

Contains information on an eligible member’s medication history based on fill dates in the last 365 days.



Medicaid ID

This field contains an ID that identifies a unique Medicaid member. Note: This is the ID referred more commonly by MaineCare as the 'A' number or the Member Secondary ID.

Member Name

This field contains the first and last names of the member.

Date Filled

This field contains the date when the member’s prescription was filled.

Drug Name

This field contains the name of the member’s prescribed medication.

Generic Class

This field contains the generic drug indicator of the member’s prescribed medication.

Valid values are:

  • N - No, branded drug

  • Y - Yes, generic drug

DEA Class

This field contains the DEA drug indicator of the member’s prescribed medication.

Maintenance Indicator

This field contains the indication of whether the member’s prescribed medication is considered a ‘maintenance drug,’ that is a prescription commonly used to treat a condition that is considered chronic or long-term.

New/Refill Indicator

This field contains the indication of whether the member’s prescribed medication is newly prescribed or a refill.

Valid values are:

  • 00 - New prescription

  • 01-99 - Number of refill

Quantity Prescribed

This field contains the number of metric units of the member’s prescribed medication.

Quantity Dispensed

This field contains the number of metric units of the member’s dispensed medication.

Days Supply

This field contains the estimated number of days the member’s prescribed medication will last.


This field contains the full name and NPI number of the prescribed who prescribed the member’s medication.


This field contains the name of the pharmacy where the member filled their prescription.

Dashboard Filters

Want to tailor the dashboard to look at only a certain range of fill dates or only a certain type of medication? Easy. We’ve got plenty of stock filters for you to use to meet various cross-cutting use cases and needs.

🔍 Stock Filters

Stock filters are the drop-downs, sliders, and free-text fields located at the top of each reporting dashboard that allow users to slice and dice the data contents in diverse ways.




Medicaid ID

The ID that identifies a unique Medicaid member. Note: This is the ID referred more commonly by MaineCare as the 'A' number or the Member Secondary ID.

Date Filled

The range of dates corresponding to when the member’s prescription(s) was filled.

Drug Name

The specific drug prescribed to the member.

DEA Class

The DEA class corresponding to the specific drug(s) prescribed to the member.

🔍 Default Stock Filters

For each stock filter available, there must be a default value assigned in order to populate the reporting dashboards for users to work from. Those default values are defined below per stock filter.


Default Value


Medicaid ID

[Selected Medicaid ID]

Retrieves all medications for the selected member, by Medicaid ID.

Date Filled


Retrieves all medications filled by the member in the last 365 days.

Drug Name


Retrieves all medications filled by the member.

DEA Class


Retrieves all medications filled by the member, regardless of the drugs' DEA class.

Want to keep learning about our reporting dashboards? Great! There’s more member-related information for you to explore. Try checking out one of these dashboards to continue your study:

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