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Tips & Tricks

As we amass best practices, lessons learned, and other helpful tips and tricks, we’ll put them here. If we can help you do your jobs easier, well, that’s a good thing. And these suggestions may just do so.

Downloading Member-Level Information

Member-level tabular views contained in the reporting dashboards are exportable to CSV files for further use by using the following instructions:

  1. Select the "Download" option located in the bottom-right hand corner of the page.

  2. Select the "Data" format to download.

  3. Within the “Summary” tab, select the option to “Download all rows as a text file.”

  4. Doing so will produce a CSV file for users to view and use offline.

When attempting to export a tabular view within a reporting dashboard, it may be necessary to interact with the table before the Download option will allow users to export the “Data” format. Users can do so by selecting - then de-selecting - a cell in the table then trying to select the “Data” format option again.

Performing Multiple Filter Selections

When attempting to perform multiple filter selections within a reporting dashboard, try selecting the “Pause” button located in the lower-left corner of the view. Once the reporting has been paused, select all wanted filter criteria, then select the “Resume” button. In doing, the reporting will refresh with all filter selections considered, rather than one at a time.

Saving Reporting Dashboard Configurations

If a user has made filter selections in the reporting dashboards that they would like to leverage for future use, they can save the specific reporting configuration by selecting the “View” button located in the lower-left corner of the screen.

Once the user selects the button, a “Custom Views” window will appear where they can save the name of the configuration (“Name this view”), as well as choose whether they would like to have the configuration load each time that they open the reporting (“Make it my default”).

Over time, a user may choose to save many configurations of the reporting dashboards to examine e.g., specific patient populations, utilization over specific admission date periods, etc. Within the same “Custom Views” window, the user can select which of the many configurations that they would like to load and review. Whereas the “My Views” section includes all of the custom configurations made by the user, the “Other Views” section includes the original configuration published by HealthInfoNet. By selecting one of the views from these sections, the reporting will refresh accordingly with the saved configurations.

Additionally, users can select the “Manage Views” hyperlink located in the lower-left corner of the “Custom Views” window to edit all of their configurations. For example, they can choose to rename their saved configurations (icon: pencil) or delete their saved configuration altogether (icon: trash can) should they decide that it is no longer relevant to their work.

Functionality included in this feature to allow users to share their views with other users has been disabled for privacy and security purposes. The views that users customize within this reporting are therefore for their own consumption; other users within their organization hoping to create similar configurations will need to do so manually themselves.

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