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HARP Utilities


Looking for additional information about some of the administrative underpinnings of the HARP reporting dashboards? Try using our HARP Utilities suite to learn more about the patient attribution and user permission configurations that build your access to critical patient insights within the service.

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Authorized Organizations

This utility provides detailed information about the organization(s) that a user is authorized to view within the service based on the role-based permissions determined by their assigned Associated Organization.

Authorized Users

This utility provides detailed information about all user(s) who are authorized to view the same organization(s) to which the user is also authorized to view within the service based on the role-based permissions determined by their assigned Associated Organization.

Attribution File Submissions

This utility provides detailed information about the Participant-Supplied Custom Attribution files that have been successfully processed by HealthInfoNet over time from the user’s organization or its children organization(s).

Attribution File Inclusions

This utility provides detailed information about the Participant-Supplied Custom Attribution files that have been successfully processed by HealthInfoNet over time that include patients who are attributed to the user’s organization or its children organization(s).

Attribution by Patient (H)

This utility provides detailed information about the specific entity(ies) to which patients are attributed within reporting for each active Attribution Type value(s). This view provides a horizontal display (H) of patient attribution information, whereby each patient is given a single record in the table per Attribution Type value with separate columns for each of the Attribution Level value(s) to which they belong within reporting.

Attribution by Patient (V)

This utility provides detailed information about the specific entity(ies) to which patients are attributed within reporting for each active Attribution Type value(s). This view provides a vertical display (V) of patient attribution information, whereby each patient is given potentially multiple records in the table per Attribution Type value for each of the Attribution Level value(s) to which they belong within reporting.

Attribution by Entity

This utility provides aggregate counts of attributed patients per entity within reporting for each active Attribution Type value(s).

What’s Next?

So what’s next? We’re always adapting and advancing our service as workflows and needs change across the care continuum and as additional data sets become available from participants. So it’s important to stay informed of new releases and system notices.

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