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Health Analytics Reporting Platform


The Health Analytics Reporting Platform (HARP) is built and operated by HealthInfoNet for its Health Information Exchange (HIE) participants and other authorized organizations (e.g., the Office of MaineCare Services, Accountable Care Organizations). Leveraging a robust clinical data set, HARP contains both aggregate and patient-level analyses of individuals receiving care throughout the state of Maine. The platform has been designed to meet a variety of use cases focused on care management and population health management needs.


Getting Started

Ready to get started using HARP? We have everything you need here to begin exploring and implementing the service within your workflows. This section will provide users with the information needed to set up their accounts initially, manage their accounts ongoing, and orient themselves to the system’s navigation.


Now that you’ve obtained access to HARP, let’s take a deeper dive into the system’s underlying methodologies and definitions. There’s a lot to unpack with a reporting solution that combines clinical, claims, and member eligibility data into a cohesive suite of sophisticated analyses. This section will get straight to business with a variety of technical documentation to support a transparent knowledge base.

Reporting Dashboards

After you have a better understanding of how we piece together the various components, techniques, and processes of our reporting solution, it’s time to step through the features and functionality of each reporting dashboard so that you can begin working toward various use cases and programmatic needs. This section will take a deeper dive into the available filter and linkage options, metric calculations, chart and table definitions.

HARP Utilities

Looking for additional information about some of the administrative underpinnings of the HARP reporting dashboards? Try using our HARP Utilities suite to learn more about the patient attribution and user permission configurations that build your access to critical patient insights within the service. This section will explore the various “utilities” that are available to help make sense of your reporting contents.

HARP Limited

HARP Limited is a tailored suite of reporting dashboards designed specifically to accommodate the use cases and workflows of the Office of MaineCare Office’s Emergency Department (ED) Collaborative. This section will provide an overview of the reporting dashboards available to HARP Limited users.

Release Notes

Check back here on a routine basis to stay informed of new releases and system notices to HARP. We keep current with ever-evolving healthcare trends, practices, and demands. So it’s not uncommon that we push new system enhancements, improvements, and/or changes to give you what you need to do your job better. This section will provide individual release notes as they become available.

Service Status

Curious if there is a downtime or known issue with the service? This section gives users the opportunity to learn more about the current status of the service and/or how to report an issue.

Continue Learning

Watch our video tutorial on how to use the Health Analytics Reporting Platform:

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