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Becoming an HIE Participant


Becoming a new participant is made simple through streamlined processes. We make it easy for qualifying organizations to join Maine’s statewide Health Information Exchange (HIE) so that they can begin benefitting from available data sets and health information services to get back to what matters most: improving the quality, safety, and delivery of patient care and population health.

For questions about becoming a participant, contact HealthInfoNet’s Client Engagement Team (

Inquiring About HIE Participation

Organizations interested in joining the statewide HIE can submit an online inquiry form used by HealthInfoNet’s Client Engagement Team to better assess and understand their participation eligibility, connection capabilities, and potential fee schedules (i.e., one-time implementation and annual subscription fees).

Organizations that are defined as a healthcare provider covered entity under HIPAA (i.e., with clinical treating relationships) are eligible for participation in Maine’s statewide HIE.

If an organization is deemed eligible for participation, HealthInfoNet’s Client Engagement Team will reach out to the individual responsible for completing the online inquiry form to schedule a brief exploratory call. Common topics explored during this discovery meeting include:

  • Validating and expanding on the inquiring organization’s information from their online inquiry form submission; answering any unresolved questions about levels of service to inform contract terms and conditions of participation.

HealthInfoNet’s fee schedule is standard for all participants. However, organizations that participate in a Delivery System Reform Unit (DSRU) program offered by the Office of MaineCare Services may be eligible for discounts to their fee schedule and/or incentives for HIE participation.

For more information about eligible DSRU program participation, contact HealthInfoNet’s Client Engagement Team (

Depending on organizations' circumstances and/or capabilities, topics included in the discovery meeting may vary and will be tailored accordingly with all involved stakeholders.

Contracting to Become an HIE Participant

Following the inquiry phase, organizations that are eligible for participating in the statewide HIE will begin the contracting process. The focus of this effort is HealthInfoNet’s Participant Agreement (PA), inclusive of both Fee Schedule and Business Associate Agreement. Common milestones resulting in organizations' execution of HealthInfoNet’s PA include:

  • Reviewing content tailored to participation details, including organizational information, contact information, and Fee Schedule; confirming and modifying details as-needed.

  • Confirming readiness for execution.

  • Execution by signatories from HealthInfoNet and organization.

For assistance in reviewing HealthInfoNet’s PA, visit the section on Reviewing HealthInfoNet’s Participant Agreement.

Next Steps

All organizations that have completed contracting are placed in a technical onboarding queue for HealthInfoNet’s Onboarding Project Team to prioritize and kick-off. When ready to engage, HealthInfoNet’s Client Engagement Team will provide a warm introduction and handoff to technical leads for subsequent activities. For more information about participant onboarding activities, visit the relevant sections:

Timelines for onboarding kickoff and completion varies by organization. Contact HealthInfoNet’s Client Engagement Team ( for details.

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