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Coordinating HIE Participation Within OMS Programs


Participation in the statewide Health Information Exchange (HIE) is required and/or incentivized in varying ways for many of the programs offered by the Office of MaineCare Services (OMS). For organizations interested in joining an OMS program, it is important to simultaneously understand and inquire about relevant conditions and/or considerations of HIE participation.

For questions about OMS programs' conditions and/or considerations of HIE participation, please contact HealthInfoNet’s Client Engagement team (

Conditions & Considerations

Accountable Communities

The Accountable Communities (AC) program is designed to help reduce costs while improving quality and outcomes for the state’s eligible Medicaid members. Similar to the Accountable Care Organization (ACO) initiative managed by the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the AC program contracts with groups of providers who volunteer to participate in the shared-savings model.

For more information about the AC program, visit the following OMS webpage:

OMS AC program email address:

HIE Participation Conditions & Considerations

HIE Participation

Participation is optional; however, for organizations that would like to benefit from the OMS incentives for HIE participation (see below), an HL7 data interface supporting real-time Admission Discharge Transfer (ADT) messages transactions is required.

OMS Incentives
for HIE Participation

Every six months, OMS provides HealthInfoNet with a member attribution file for its AC program. Eligible AC organizations participating in the HIE can obtain access to their organization’s attributed members in this file for use in the HIE’s Health Analytics Reporting Platform (HARP).

Obtaining this access requires eligible organizations to provide HealthInfoNet with a Letter of Direction (LOD) that authorizes both (a) their organization’s access to its attributed members and (b) OMS’s access to the organization’s attributed members within HARP.

Relevant HIE Resources

Health Homes

Health Home services include care coordination, case management, individual and family support, and health promotion/education. OMS currently offers three health home programs.

Community Care Teams

The Community Care Teams (CCT) program consist of organizations that partner with primary care practices and community-based providers to support the state’s eligible Medicaid members with chronic conditions who are at greater risk of poor health outcomes and/or higher utilization of healthcare services. Within the CCT program are a specialized group of providers, the Housing Outreach and Member Engagement (HOME) providers, which provide housing outreach and member engagement services for eligible members with long-term homelessness.

For more information about the CCT program, visit the following OMS webpage:

OMS CCT program email address:

HIE Participation Conditions & Considerations

HIE Participation

Non-HOME providers: Participation is required, including an HL7 data interface supporting real-time Admission Discharge Transfer (ADT) messages transactions.

HOME providers: Participation is optional; for those organizations that do choose to participate, there are no specific OMS-related requirements.

OMS Incentives
for HIE Participation

There are no specific OMS-related incentives for HIE participation.

Relevant HIE Resources

Connecting Data Interfaces

Behavioral Health Homes

The Behavioral Health Home (BHH) program supports care teams within licensed community mental health agencies that manage the physical and behavioral health needs of the state’s eligible Medicaid members. 

For more information about the BHH program, visit the following OMS webpage:

OMS BHH program email address:

HIE Participation Conditions & Considerations

HIE Participation

Participation is optional; for those organizations that do choose to participate, there are no specific OMS-related requirements.

OMS Incentives
for HIE Participation

BHH organizations participating in the HIE receive discounts to their HIE participation fee schedules (i.e., one-time implementation and annual subscription fees).

Relevant HIE Resources

Opioid Health Homes

The Opioid Health Home (OHH) program delivers team-based treatment of opioid use disorders, including medication, opioid dependency counseling, and comprehensive care management for the state’s eligible Medicaid members and uninsured individuals.

For more information about the OHH program, visit the following OMS webpage:

OMS OHH program email address:

HIE Participation Conditions & Considerations

HIE Participation

Uninsured contract holders: Participation is required, including an access-only connection to the HIE’s Clinical Portal electronic health record system.

Insured contract holders: Participation is optional; for those organizations that do choose to participate, there are no specific OMS-related requirements.

OMS Incentives
for HIE Participation

OHH organizations participating in the HIE receive discounts to their HIE participation fee schedules (i.e., one-time implementation and annual subscription fees).

Relevant HIE Resources

Primary Care Plus

The Primary Care Plus (PCPlus) program offers primary care practices greater flexibility and incentives to support the state’s eligible Medicaid members' healthcare needs. The program transitions away from the traditional fee-for-service payment system toward an approach that provides population-based payments tied to cost- and quality-related outcomes.

For more information about the PCPlus program, visit the following OMS webpage:

OMS PCPlus program email address:

HIE Participation Conditions & Considerations

HIE Participation

For organizations that are seeking intermediate (i.e., Tier II) or advanced (i.e., Tier III) reimbursement levels from OMS, participation is required, including the following requirements:

Tier II: HL7 data interface supporting real-time Admission Discharge Transfer (ADT) messages containing all patient demographics and encounter/visit information (including diagnosis and procedure coding).

  • Tribal health facilities with an access-only connection to the HIE’s Clinical Portal electronic health record system may also be eligible for the Tier II reimbursement level.

Tier III: HL7 data interface supporting real-time Admission Discharge Transfer (ADT) and/or Observation Result (ORU) messages containing all patient demographics, encounter/visit information (including diagnosis and procedure coding), vital signs, and laboratory test results.

OMS Incentives
for HIE Participation

PCPlus organizations that meet HIE participation requirements in support of Tier II or Tier III reimbursement levels:

  • Receive greater reimbursement levels from OMS than the basic level of reimbursement (i.e., Tier I)

  • Support the HIE’s generation of the Controlling High Blood Pressure electronic clinical quality measure (eCQM) that is available within the Health Analytics Reporting Platform for use by OMS and all other HIE-participating organizations

Relevant HIE Resources

Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans

The Dual-Eligible Special Needs Plan (D-SNP) program, supported by OMS in collaboration with the Office of Aging and Disability Services (OADS), helps facilitate care coordination among Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in a Medicare Advantage health plan who also have Medicaid coverage (i.e., dually eligible individuals). Although they are overseen and paid for by the federal Medicare program managed by the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Medicare Advantage payers designated as “Dual-Eligible Special Needs Plans” must enter into an agreement with a state’s Medicaid agency in order to offer their health plan(s) in the state. It is then the state’s Medicaid agency’s responsibility to help fulfill and further the requirements defined by CMS among the D-SNP payers and the long-term care (LTC) facilities and service coordinating agency (SCA) providers with which they contract in order to best support the healthcare needs of dually eligible individuals.

For more information about the D-SNP program, visit the following OMS/OADS resource:

OMS D-SNP program email address:

HIE Participation Conditions & Considerations

HIE Participation

D-SNP Medicare Advantage payers: Participation is not currently available per the conditions of HealthInfoNet’s Participant Agreement.

D-SNP contracted LTC facilities: Participation is required, including an HL7 data interface supporting real-time Admission Discharge Transfer (ADT) messages transactions.

D-SNP contracted SCA providers: Participation is optional; for those organizations that do choose to participate, there are no specific OMS-related requirements.

OMS Incentives
for HIE Participation

There are no specific OMS-related incentives for HIE participation.

Relevant HIE Resources

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