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Communicating HIE Participation to Staff & Patients


Participants that are sharing data with the statewide Health Information Exchange (HIE) and/or viewing patients' electronic health records within the HIE’s Clinical Portal have a number of communication-related responsibilities that must be completed and/or considered prior to finalizing related onboarding activities.

In an effort to ensure that participants have the necessary resources in place to support communication obligations and options as part of their HIE participation, the following sections provide an overview of the key expectations and activities involved during onboarding processes.

This document is intended to serve as a high-level overview of communication-related responsibilities to be considered specifically during onboarding projects. However, participants should use HealthInfoNet’s Communication Package to obtain access to a comprehensive set of materials that provide an overview of HealthInfoNet and its suite of services, articulate the value proposition and purpose of the HIE for providers and patients alike, and share most recent patient consent forms, staff talking points, and legal references for organizations to use in their internal intake procedures.

State Law Requirements

In order for HIE participants to comply with Maine state law, they must:

  • Share information on the purpose and value of HealthInfoNet and the statewide HIE with their organizations' patients. This includes providing a copy of HealthInfoNet’s Overview Poster to their patients upon their first visits following the organizations' completion of data interface(s) and/or Clinical Portal connection onboarding projects. For more information, see 22 MRSA §1711-C 18 (D) and (E).

  • Implement HIE patient consent workflows for their organizations' current and new patients in order to ensure that all of their patients are informed of their participation options with the statewide HIE. This includes providing a copy of HealthInfoNet’s General Medical Opt-Out Form (print | digital) to their patients upon their first visits following the organizations' completion of data interface(s) and/or Clinical Portal connection onboarding projects. For more information, see 22 MRSA §1711-C 18 (D) and (E).

    • Additionally, participants' clinical and administrative staff should fully understand and operationalize each of the HIE’s additional consent choices for general medical information and sensitive health information when interacting with their patients.

HIE Training & Education Requirements

In order for HIE participants to complete their data interface(s) and/or Clinical Portal connection onboarding projects, they must participate in HealthInfoNet’s education and training session on patient consent workflows and options.

Additionally, in order for HIE participants to complete their Clinical Portal connection onboarding projects, they must participate in HealthInfoNet’s education and training session on the Clinical Portal, which highlights the system’s intended use, available features and functionality, and suggested user workflows.

Each training and education session will be administered either directly by HealthInfoNet’s Clinical Education team or virtually through the HIE’s online learning platform.

For additional materials and guidance for assisting organizations in their communication to staff and patients about their participation in the statewide HIE, please visit our Communication Package.

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