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Onboarding Package


Becoming a participant of the statewide Health Information Exchange (HIE) gives organizations the ability to connect to the HIE platform in a number of ways to support patient care and population health workflows and use cases. HealthInfoNet’s Onboarding Package has been carefully designed to help inform participants of the various expectations and activities involved in available onboarding processes.


Becoming an HIE Participant

Becoming a new participant is made simple through streamlined processes. We make it easy for qualifying organizations to join Maine’s statewide HIE so that they can begin benefitting from available data sets and health information services to get back to what matters most: improving the quality, safety, and delivery of patient care and population health.

Connecting to the Clinical Portal

As part of organizations' participation in the statewide HIE, users are given access to the HIE’s Clinical Portal electronic health record system. This secure web-based platform provides authorized end users with a robust toolkit to securely look up and retrieve real-time health record information for their patients in a view-only screen at the point of care in order to help improve the quality, safety, and delivery of patient care. In an effort to ensure that participants have the necessary resources in place to support their connection to the Clinical Portal, this section provides an overview of the expectations and activities involved in the onboarding process.

Connecting Data Interfaces

Sharing crucial, time-sensitive information on the health care events and outcomes of the patients that an organization serves with the statewide HIE helps to build a critical health information resource that can provide invaluable insights into the quality, safety, and delivery of patient care and population health. In an effort to ensure that participants have the necessary resources in place to support their connection of available data interface(s), this section provides an overview of the expectations and activities involved in the onboarding process.

Connecting to the Health Analytics Reporting Platform

Qualifying organizations participating in the statewide HIE may be eligible to obtain access to the HIE’s Health Analytics Reporting Platform (HARP). HARP contains a suite of use case-driven analytics tailored over the years in collaboration with our HIE participants to yield actionable insights into the quality, safety, and delivery of patient care and population health. In an effort to ensure that participants have the necessary resources in place to support their connection to HARP, this section provides an overview of the expectations and activities involved in the onboarding process.

Communicating HIE Participation to Staff & Patients

Participants that are sharing data with the statewide HIE and/or viewing patients' electronic health records within the HIE’s Clinical Portal have a number of communication-related responsibilities that must be addressed prior to finalizing related onboarding activities. In an effort to ensure that participants have the necessary resources in place to support communication obligations and options as part of their HIE participation, this section provides an overview of the key expectations and activities involved during onboarding processes.

Onboarding Supporting Materials

As part of HealthInfoNet’s onboarding processes, there are a number of supporting materials that participants must leverage to ensure that all required activities are completed successfully. These materials are not available to organizations that are not actively participating in the statewide HIE and therefore are obtainable only upon request. This section provides an overview of each of the available onboarding supporting materials.

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