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My Patients

The purpose of this document is to share information on how Clinician users can use the “My Patients” module to configure event-based notifications.

Navigating to My Patients

To enable the Notification Service function within the Clinical Portal, users must configure their "My Patients" list by including all patients that they have an interest in tracking and monitoring over time via event-based notifications.

Within the "Notifications" main navigation function, located on the left-hand side of the screen, there is the option for users to configure their "My Patients" settings.

Adding Patients from the My Patients Module

Upon selecting this option, users will be brought to a module where they can search for patients in a similar way as they are able to do so in the "Demographic Search" function. When results from the user's search return, there may be more than one patient that meets the provided search criteria.

For users to confirm the patient that they would like to add to their "My Patients" list, they can select the green-highlighted checkmark to the left of the patient's name in the table.

Upon adding the selected patient to their "My Patients" list, the module will refresh and the selected patient will appear in the user's "My Patients" table

Adding Patients from a Patient’s Record

Similarly, users can add a patient to their "My Patients" list from within the selected patient's record. If users select the "My Patients" tab located at the top of the patient's "Patient Summary" view, they will be redirected to the "My Patients" module where the patient's information will be pre-populated in the search. Users can then select the "Add Relationship" button to add the patient to their list.

Upon adding the selected patient to their "My Patients" list, the module will refresh and the selected patient will appear in the user's "My Patients" table.

How to Manage the My Patients List

Within the "My Patients" module, users can perform a number of functions as it relates to managing their established patient panel, including:




Search Patient Panel

Search for a particular patient(s) of interest in the "My Patients" table

Edit End Date

Indicate when notification services should terminate for a selected patient

Edit All End Dates

Indicate when notification services should terminate for all patients

Clear All End Dates

Indicate that notification services should continue indefinitely for all patients

Delete Relationship

Remove a selected patient from the "My Patients" table

Delete All Relationships

Remove all patients from the "My Patients" table

Delete Expired Relationships

Remove all patients with an end date that has passed from the "My Patients" table

After configuring the My Patients module, remember to also configure the My Subscriptions module in order to complete the setup of Notification Services.

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