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MaineCare Medications‎


The MaineCare Medications reporting dashboard provides supplemental medication information for a user’s attributed patients. IMPORTANT: This view is limited to the previous 365 days of pharmacy claims information for MaineCare (Medicaid) members only and therefore may not be a comprehensive view of all medications prescribed to the selected patient. For a more comprehensive view into an attributed patient’s medication history, users should refer to the Clinical Portal’s Medication Management component.

This reporting dashboard is only accessible by linking to it from a selected patient’s record on the Patient Detail dashboard.

Click the settings icon image-20240626-160451.png located in the upper-left corner of the dashboard to learn more about its available features and functionality.




Fill Date

The lookback period associated with the fill date of medications had by a user’s attributed patients.

Drug Name

The name of the medication filled for the user’s attributed patient.

DEA Class

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) drug schedule of the medication filled for the user’s attributed patient.





The HealthInfoNet-assigned identifier that identifies a unique patient within the HIE’s data warehouse.

Note: This field can be used to join patient records across all patient-level table exports.

Patient Name

The first and last names of the user’s attributed patient.

Date Filled

The date when the medication was filled.

Drug Name

The name of the medication.

Generic Class

The generic drug code of the medication.

DEA Class

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) drug schedule of the medication.

For more information about DEA drug scheduling and classes, visit the following resource:

Maintenance Indicator

The indication of whether the medication is considered a maintenance drug (i.e., a medication commonly used to treat chronic or long-term conditions).


The indication of whether the medication is newly prescribed or is a refill.

Valid values include 00 (New Prescription) and 01-99 (Number of Refill).

Quantity Prescribed

The number of metric units of the prescribed medication.

Quantity Dispensed

The number of metric units of the dispensed medication.

Additional Note: A negative value identifies a medication that was filled by the pharmacy but not picked up by the patient.

Days Supply

The estimated number of days that the medication will last.


The full name of the prescriber who prescribed the medication.


The name of the pharmacy where the medication was filled.

Support Options

For support questions, please contact HealthInfoNet’s Customer Care team (

For training needs, please contact HealthInfoNet’s Clinical Education team (

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