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Medication Management

Component Overview

Beneath the "Active Problems" component is the "Medication Management" component within the “Patient Summary” view. This component provides a list containing the selected patient's prescription medications dispensed within the last 120 days.

Medication information available in the Clinical Portal is sourced from Surescripts and MaineCare pharmacy claims repositories. For that reason, any self-pay medications will not be found in the component.

Additionally, medication information from the Surescripts repository is refreshed for only those patients who have an encounter record sourced from a participating hospital in their Encounter/Visit History component. Those patients’ medication information is refreshed only once every 24 hours following the first user lookup event. Meaning that if a patient is dispensed a medication following a user’s lookup of their health record in the Clinical Portal, the newly dispensed medication will not appear in the component until a user looks up the patient’s health record again at least 24 hours after the initial lookup.

If the component does not return results upon initial loading of the “Patient Summary” view, users should refresh their browser to confirm that results are in fact unavailable for the selected patient.



Date Dispensed

The date when the patient's medication was dispensed.

Drug Name

The name/description of the patient's medication.


The dosage details of the patient’s medication.


The quantity amount of the patient’s medication.


The refill amount of the patient’s medication.

Prescribed By

The name of the provider who prescribed the patient’s medicaton.


The name of the pharmacy where the patient’s medication was dispensed.


Any additional notes about the patient's medication.

For more information on how to obtain access to patients' controlled substance information through the State of Maine’s Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP), view the section on Prescription Monitoring Program Integration.

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