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Encounter Detail


The Encounter Detail reporting dashboard provides detailed information about the healthcare utilization (i.e., encounters) of a user’s attributed patients.

Click the settings icon image-20240626-160451.png located in the upper-left corner of the dashboard to learn more about its available features and functionality.


Click the return icon image-20240626-155506.png located in the upper-left corner of the dashboard to return to the Insights dashboard to modify patient attribution and personal characteristic filter selections.



Admission Date

The lookback period of admission dates for the encounters had by a user’s attributed patients.

Encounter Type

The care setting of the encounters had by a user’s attributed patients.

Valid values include Inpatient, Emergency Department, and Long-Term Care.

Encounter Status

The most recently reported patient status for the encounters had by a user’s attributed patients.

For more information, visit the Value-Add Field Logic methodology section.

Rendering Facility

The organization that provided care to a user’s attributed patients.

Readmission Flag

The indication of whether the encounters had by a user’s attributed patients are followed by a readmission to the same setting for an unplanned event of care.

Valid values include Yes (i.e., the encounter is followed by a readmission) or No. (i.e., the encounter is not followed by a readmission).

For more information, visit the Readmission Logic methodology section.

Readmission Risk Class

The text result (i.e., class) assigned to encounters had by a user’s attributed patients that identifies the patients' prospective risk for having a readmission to the same setting in the next 30 days for an unplanned event of care.

For more information, visit the Predictive Risk Modeling methodology section.

Patient ID

The participant-supplied identifier(s) that identifies a user’s attributed patients based on where they received care.

An individual patient may have many participant-supplied identifiers if they have been treated at multiple care locations over time. Valid values are inclusive of Medical Record Number (MRN) values and other source system identifiers submitted via participants' Admission, Discharge, and Transfer (ADT) HL7 feeds, as well as Medicaid ID values (sometimes referred to as 'A' numbers) shared by the Office of MaineCare Services to uniquely identify its Medicaid members.

Note: Regardless of how many Patient IDs that an individual patient may have, they will only have a single HIN ID assigned.

Patient Name

The first and/or last names of a user’s attributed patients.


Neither (a) Patient ID and Patient Name filter selections or (b) patient linkages will impact metrics.



Attributed Patients

The count of unique patients who are attributed to the selected Attribution Entity and who meet the criteria of the selected personal characteristics.

For more information about the filters impacting this metric, visit the Insightsreporting dashboard’s filter section.

Total Encounters

The count of encounters had by a user’s attributed patients.

Patients with Encounters

The count of a user’s unique attributed patients who had an encounter.

Total Readmissions

The count of encounters had by a user’s attributed patients that are followed by a readmission to the same setting for an unplanned event of care.

For more information, visit the Readmission Logic methodology section.





Record of Encounter Information for Attributed Patients by Admission Date

Admission Date

The date and time of the encounter’s admission.


Discharge Date

The date and time of the encounter’s discharge.


Encounter Number

The HealthInfoNet-assigned identifier that identifies the encounter within the HIE’s data warehouse.

Format: [HIE Participant Context ID] # [Participant-Assigned Encounter Number]

Encounter Status

The most recently reported patient status for the encounter.

For more information, visit the Value-Add Field Logic methodology section.


The HealthInfoNet-assigned identifier that identifies a unique patient within the HIE’s data warehouse.

Note: This field can be used to join patient records across all patient-level table exports.


The participant-supplied identifier (i.e., from the Rendering Facility) that identifies the user’s attributed patient who had the encounter.

Valid values are inclusive of Medical Record Number (MRN) values and other source system identifiers submitted via participants' Admission, Discharge, and Transfer (ADT) HL7 feeds.

Medicaid ID

The MaineCare-supplied identifier that identifies the user’s attributed patient who had the encounter at the time of their active eligibility as a MaineCare (Medicaid) member.

Patient Name

The first and last names of the user’s attributed patient who had the encounter.

Date of Birth

The date of birth of the user’s attributed patient who had the encounter.

For more information, visit the Value-Add Field Logic methodology section.

Rendering Facility

The organization that provided care to the user’s attributed patient.

Note: Users can select the + icon found when hovering over the Rendering Facility field name in the table to reveal an additional Rendering Site field. This field will provide more detailed information (when available) about the specific department/location within the Rendering Facility where the encounter occurred.

Readmission Risk Class

The text result (i.e., class) assigned to the encounter had by a user’s attributed patient that identifies the patient’s prospective risk for having a readmission to the same setting in the next 30 days for an unplanned event of care.

For more information, visit the Predictive Risk Modeling methodology section.

Note: Users can select the + icon found when hovering over the Readmission Risk Class field name in the table to reveal an additional Readmission Risk Score field. This field will provide the numeric result (i.e., score) from which the Risk Class is translated.

Chief Complaint

The chief complaint documented on the encounter.

Primary Dx Code

The primary ICD-10 diagnosis code documented on the encounter. 

Primary Dx Description

The description of the primary ICD-10 diagnosis code documented on the encounter. 

Secondary Dx Code

The secondary ICD-10 diagnosis code documented on the encounter. 

Secondary Dx Description

The description of the secondary ICD-10 diagnosis code documented on the encounter. 

Readmission Encounter Number

The HealthInfoNet-assigned identifier that identifies the readmission encounter within the HIE’s data warehouse.

Note: This field will only be populated if the encounter resulted in an unplanned readmission. For more information, visit the Readmission Logic methodology section.

Readmission Rendering Facility

The organization that provided care to the user’s attributed patient for the readmission encounter.

Note: Users can select the + icon found when hovering over the Readmission Rendering Facility field name in the table to reveal an additional Readmission Rendering Site field. This field will provide more detailed information (when available) about the specific department/location within the Readmission Rendering Facility where the readmission encounter occurred.

Note: This field will only be populated if the encounter resulted in an unplanned readmission. For more information, visit the Readmission Logic methodology section.

Table Export

Exporting the Encounter Detail table to Data (CSV) or Crosstab formats will provide users with several supplemental fields in addition to those available in the frontend tabular view. To learn more about export format options, visit the Service Controls section.



Encounter Type

The encounter setting in which a user’s attributed patients received care.

Encounter Payer

The category used to group like-health insurance plans that are recorded on the unique encounter records had by a user’s attributed patients.

Valid values include Commercial, Medicaid, Medicare, Government, Free Care - Self Pay. Worker’s Compensation, Other, and Null.

For more information, visit the Value-Add Field Logic methodology section.

MaineCare Primary Insurance Indicator

The indicator that identifies whether MaineCare (Medicaid) is an insurer for the user’s attributed patient at the time of their encounter.

Valid values include Y (MaineCare as primary insurer), N (MaineCare as secondary insurer), and Y,N (MaineCare as both primary and secondary insurer).

Table Linkages


Target Dashboard

Target Outcome

View patient’s MaineCare medications

MaineCare Medications

Shows only the selected patient’s MaineCare medications.

View patient’s NDPP measurement

NDPP Measurement

Shows only the selected patient’s available NDPP measure results.

View patient’s address history

Address History

Shows only the selected patient’s address history information.

View patient’s performance measurement

Performance Measurement

Shows only the selected patient’s available performance measure results.

View patient’s personal characteristics

Patient Detail

Shows only the selected patient’s demographics and personal characteristics.

View patient’s predicted risks

Risk Detail

Shows only the selected patient’s risk results information.

Support Options

For support questions, please contact HealthInfoNet’s Customer Care team (

For training needs, please contact HealthInfoNet’s Clinical Education team (

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