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Patient Profile‎


The Patient Profile reporting dashboard provides aggregate information about the personal characteristics of a user’s attributed patients.

Click the settings icon image-20240626-160451.png located in the upper-left corner of the dashboard to learn more about its available features and functionality.


Click the return icon image-20240626-155506.png located in the upper-left corner of the dashboard to return to the Insights dashboard to modify patient attribution and personal characteristic filter selections.

There are no additional filters included on this dashboard.




Attributed Patients

The count of unique patients who are attributed to the selected Attribution Entity and who meet the criteria of the selected personal characteristics.

For more information about the filters impacting this metric, visit the Insightsreporting dashboard’s filter section.

Patients with Risk

The count of a user’s unique attributed patients who have at least one available predictive risk result (i.e., Risk Class = Low, Moderate, High, or Very High; not Present).

For more information about the predictive risks measured in this metric, visit the Predictive Risk Modeling methodology section.

Patients with Chronic Condition(s)

The count of a user’s unique attributed patients who have at least one chronic condition (i.e., Risk Class = Present).

For more information about the chronic conditions measured in this metric, visit the Predictive Risk Modeling methodology section.

Patients Currently Hospitalized

The count of a user’s unique attributed patients who were admitted to the Inpatient setting in the last 30 days and who are currently hospitalized.




Distribution of Reported Sex for Attributed Patients

The distribution of most recently reported legal/insurance sex values, by sex category, for a user’s attributed patients.

Valid values include Male, Female, X, and Unknown.

For more information, visit the Value-Add Field Logic methodology section.

Distribution of Reported Age (in 5-Year Increments)
for Attributed Patients

The distribution of age based on reported date of birth values, by age group category, for a user’s attributed patients.

Valid values include 0-4, 5-9, 10-14, 15-17, 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65-74, 75-84, 85+, Unknown.

For more information, visit the Value-Add Field Logic methodology section.

Distribution of Reported Race for Attributed Patients

The distribution of most recently reported race values, by race category, for a user’s attributed patients.

Valid values include AIAN (American Indian or Alaska Native), Asian, Black (Black or African American), Multi (two or more races), NHPI (Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander), White, and Unknown.

For more information, visit the Value-Add Field Logic methodology section.

Distribution of Reported Ethnicity for Attributed Patients

The distribution of most recently reported ethnicity values, by ethnicity category, for a user’s attributed patients.

Valid values include Hispanic, Non-Hispanic and Unknown.

For more information, visit the Value-Add Field Logic methodology section.

Distribution of
Chronic Conditions
Among Attributed Patients
with Chronic Condition(s)

The distribution of chronic conditions, calculated by HealthInfoNet’s predictive risk models, among a user’s attributed patients who have at least one chronic condition (i.e., Risk Class = Present).

For more information, visit the Predictive Risk Modeling methodology section.

Support Options

For support questions, please contact HealthInfoNet’s Customer Care team (

For training needs, please contact HealthInfoNet’s Clinical Education team (

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