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General Functionality


Throughout HARP, there are several core components that compose the navigation, functionality, and design of the available reporting dashboards. Those components include Filter Options, Metrics, Charts, Tables, and Linkage Options. The following sections provide basic information about the use of each component.

The annotated screenshot below visually identifies those components for reference.

Filter Options

HARP has plenty of filter options that allow users to meet various cross-cutting use cases and needs by tailoring the reporting dashboards to look at only certain patient populations or with certain criteria applied.

Filter options available in each reporting dashboard may be categorized as follows:

  • Show Attribution Filters - Attribution-related filter options that are organized within a expandable/collapsible button design.

  • Show Demographic Filters - Demographic-related filter options that are organized within a expandable/collapsible button design.

  • Show Risk Filters - Predictive risk-related filter options that are organized within a expandable/collapsible button design.

  • Content-Relevant Filters - Filter options that are related to the specific content displayed in the selected reporting dashboard.

Important Notes:

  • When specific values are selected in a filter option, the selected values will propagate to all other reporting dashboards where the same filter option is available.

    • Example: A user selects the “Male” value from the “Sex” filter option in the Patient Profile reporting dashboard; in all other reporting dashboards where the “Sex” filter option is available, the “Male” value will also automatically be applied.

  • When specific values are selected in a filter option, other available filter options' values may automatically limit to display only the remaining relevant values.

    • Example: A user selects the “Male” value from the “Sex” filter option in the Patient Profile reporting dashboard. When the user subsequently attempts to limit the “Race” filter option, they will only see values corresponding to those of the chosen “Male” population.

To remove filter selections, users may either:

  1. Use the “Revert” button to wipe all value selections across all filter options

  2. Use the “De-Select” button on a per filter option basis to remove just the chosen filter selections

Metric Definitions

Included in each of the aggregate-level reporting dashboards are a few high-level metric calculations of key information designed to orient users as they interpret the reporting contents and stay grounded as they adjust filter options and transition from one dashboard to the next.

Chart Definitions

To help visualize key trends, patterns, and insights, we’ve developed a number of curated charts throughout the suite of reporting dashboards that enable deeper dives into underlying patient-level information to inform appropriate follow-on action.

Table Definitions

When charts aren’t enough, tables containing detailed data sets can be mined to investigate an interesting trend or result that requires further exploration. Tables can be viewed online or exported for offline study.

Linkage Options

In addition to the filter options that are linked together on common reporting dashboards via propagation, users can also use the patient-level linkage feature to learn more about a specific patient’s information available on other reporting dashboards. Linkage options can be found by clicking on a particular patient record in a reporting dashboard’s table to reveal a tooltip with a hyperlink(s) defining the available linked dashboards.

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