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Address History‎


The Address History reporting dashboard provides supplemental address information about a user’s attributed patients. Whereas the Patient Detail reporting dashboard provides attributed patients' most recently reported address information, this dashboard provides all reported address information for the attributed patient over all time.

This reporting dashboard is only accessible by linking to it from a selected patient’s record on the Patient Detail dashboard.

Click the settings icon image-20240626-160451.png located in the upper-left corner of the dashboard to learn more about its available features and functionality.





The HealthInfoNet-assigned identifier that identifies a unique patient within the HIE’s data warehouse.

Note: This field can be used to join patient records across all patient-level table exports.

Patient Name

The first and last names of the user’s attributed patient.

Last Activity Date

The date when the address record was last recorded or updated for the user’s attributed patient.

Street Address

The reported street address for the user’s attributed patient.


The reported city/town of residence for the user’s attributed patient.


The reported state of residence for the user’s attributed patient.

ZIP Code

The reported ZIP code of residence for the user’s attributed patient.

Telephone Number

The reported telephone number for the user’s attributed patient.

Support Options

For support questions, please contact HealthInfoNet’s Customer Care team (

For training needs, please contact HealthInfoNet’s Clinical Education team (

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