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Data Aggregation Capabilities


The value HealthInfoNet provides to participants begins with our underlying data aggregation processes. Our systems accept, route, map, translate, and cleanse disparate data sets so they can be reliably used in our downstream data solutions.

Data Collection Capabilities



Clinical data sets

Securely connecting to healthcare locations to acquire HL7 v.2.x and CCDA (via xds.b protocol) formatted clinical data sets sourced from electronic health record (EHR) systems and reference laboratories on a real-time basis.

Eligibility and claims data sets

Receiving batch eligibility and claims (i.e., medical, pharmacy, and dental) data from public and private payers on a routine basis (as established by each payer’s data-sharing requirements). 

Community and social services data sets

Collecting health equity data sets and other community data sources from healthcare locations, community-based organizations, and social services to help build a more comprehensive picture of an individual’s total health, wellness, and wellbeing.

Data clearinghouse data sets (e.g., Surescripts medications)

Consuming miscellaneous data sources according to participant needs and project specifications, including from data clearinghouse vendors such as Surescripts RxHub.

Data Enhancement Capabilities



Mapping local codes into industry standard value sets

Cross-referencing local codes and descriptions specific to source systems to industry-standard values in accordance with ICD, CPT, HCPCS, LOINC, SNOMED, and other steward vocabularies. 

Identifying unique individuals across time and care events

Tracking individuals – and their critical health information – across disparate data sources and among different healthcare locations by constructing probabilistic and deterministic matching measures to identify records that belong together, even if their information changes over time.

Attributing individuals to care planning panels

Establishing relationships between individuals and their treating providers, community-based supports, health insurance payer(s), and/or other entities or programs to allow for more actionable care planning across settings.

Blocking and sequestering sensitive health information

Flagging data that needs to be managed separately to satisfy special data management requirements, such as blocking or sequestering sensitive mental health, HIV, and/or substance use disorder treatment information.

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