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User Lookup Function

Function Overview

Within the "Common" main navigation function, located on the left-hand side of the screen, there is the ability for users to search for other credentialed users in the system by selecting the "Help Desk User Search" option.

User Search Function

Users can populate the available search criteria to locate the desired user and select the "Search" button to retrieve results.

When results return, there may be more than one user that meets the provided search criteria. To confirm that the correct user is selected, Help Desk users can review the details associated with each resulting record.



User ID

The unique identifier identifying the user in the Clinical Portal.

Full Name

The full name (last name, first name) of the user.

Family Name

The last name of the user.

Given Name(s)

The first name of the user.


The email address of the user.


Any notes entered about the user by a HealthInfoNet administrator.

Associated Facility

The organization at which the user works and is authorized to use the Clinical Portal on behalf of.

User Details View

Upon entering the desired user's record, Help Desk users will be brought to the "User Details" view, which provides detailed account information for the selected user.

Core components featured in the "User Details" view are outlined below.

Once Help Desk users have updated all details of a user's account, they must click on the "Update Preferences" button located at the bottom of the form to confirm their changes.

Common Reasons for Managing User Accounts

  • Password Resets – For users that are unable to do so themselves through the self-service password reset function located on the login screen, Help Desk users can reset individual users' passwords if those users have already set a security question in the system. To do so, they can select the "Reset Password" hyperlink from the selected user's "User Details" view.

  • Update User Contact Information – In the event that a user's basic contact information changes over time, Help Desk users can update that user's full name, email address, and/or medical credential, as well as enter a note for future reference. Note: HealthInfoNet's Customer Care team may also choose to enter notes about individual users, especially if their accounts have been disabled, which will be transparent to Help Desk users.

  • Modify User Account Access – The Clinical Portal indicates whether a user is no longer active in the system by displaying a message at the top of their "User Details" view.

Help Desk users can learn more about the reason behind why the user's account is no longer active by selecting the "Configure" hyperlink in the "Account Policy" section of the "User Details" view.

Within the "Account Configuration" window that appears, the "Account Disabled" option will be checked and an additional message may or may not appear depending on the type of access limitation in place.

Disabled User Accounts

  • Accounts that have been flagged by either a Help Desk user or HealthInfoNet's Customer Support team to indicate that the selected user should never regain access to the Clinical Portal, unless with documented exceptions. The "Description" field in the user's "User Details" view should also be used to note the reason(s) for disabling the user's account in addition to checking the "Account Disabled" checkbox.

  • HealthInfoNet recommends never re-activating a "Disabled" account without first reaching out to our Customer Support team.

  • However, Help Desk users should feel empowered to disable users due to no longer working at their organization, compromised accounts, account maintenance, etc.

Inactive User Accounts

  • Accounts that have been automatically flagged by the Clinical Portal after 180 consecutive days of no use by the selected user.

  • Help Desk users can simply uncheck the "Account Disabled" checkbox and confirm their changes by clicking on the "OK" button at the bottom of the form to re-activate the selected user's account.

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