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Consent Choices


Patients' participation with HealthInfoNet and Maine’s statewide Health Information Exchange (HIE) is voluntary. Patients' decisions will not impact their abilities to receive medical care, even if they decide to opt-out of sharing their information with HealthInfoNet. Each time that patients visit a new healthcare location that participates in Maine’s HIE network, the location is required to let patients know that they are a member and to present them with their participation options (i.e., consent choices).

Consent Choices

Consent Choice


General Medical Information

A patient’s general medical information collected at a participating healthcare location is automatically sent to HealthInfoNet unless the patient decides to opt-out of sharing their information.

If a patient previously opted-out of sharing their general medical information with HealthInfoNet, they can always choose to opt-back-in to sharing their information ongoing at any time.

Mental Health Information

A patient’s mental health information collected at a participating healthcare location is not sent to HealthInfoNet unless the patient decides to opt-in to sharing their information.

If a patient previously opted-in to sharing their mental health information with HealthInfoNet, they can always choose to opt-out of sharing their information ongoing at any time.

HIV Information

A patient’s HIV information collected at a participating healthcare location is not sent to HealthInfoNet unless the patient decides to opt-in to sharing their information.

If a patient previously opted-in to sharing their HIV information with HealthInfoNet, they can always choose to opt-out of sharing their information ongoing at any time.

At this time, HealthInfoNet is not displaying any patients' HIV information in the Clinical Portal regardless of consent status.

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