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Notification Recipient Audit Function

Function Overview

In addition to the “Privacy Log” and “Mental Health Access Audit” functions, Auditor users can receive detailed information about notification activities within their organizations. To do so, users can select the "Notifications Audit" option within the "Monitoring" main navigation function, located on the left-hand side of the screen.

Users can populate the available search criteria to identify whether (a) their organization's users are subscribed to HealthInfoNet's notifications ("Show Users") or (b) the specific notifications that have been sent to their organization's users ("Show Notifications").

To identify users subscribed to HealthInfoNet's notifications at their organization, users can either (a) select their organization from the "User Associated Facility" filter or (b) enter a specific value within the "User ID" or "Email Address" filters to identify a particular user of interest.

Within the "Show Users" view, users can identify whether each resulting user is subscribed to at least one notification ("Has Subscriptions") and, if subscribed, how many patients the user is configured to receive notifications on ("# Patients"). By selecting a "User ID" from the table, users can then view the specific set of subscriptions to which the selected user is subscribed.

To identify all of the emails that have been sent to a particular user based on their notification subscriptions, users can enter the user's email address into the "Email Address" filter. When ready, users can select the "Show Notifications" button.

Within the "Show Notifications" view, users can identify each email that was sent to the user based on their notification subscriptions and configured patient panel, including whether the email bounced back due to either an undeliverable email address or an out-of-office response at the time of delivery.

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