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Encounter/Visit History

Component Overview

Beneath the "Medication Management" component is the "Encounters/Visit History" component within the “Patient Summary” view. This component provides a list containing the selected patient's encounter/visit history.




The date when the patient was admitted for the encounter.


The date when the patient was discharged for the encounter.

Visit Type

The setting of the encounter (e.g., Inpatient, Outpatient, Emergency).


The service received by the patient during the encounter (e.g., Medical Service).

Chief Complaint

The chief complaint reported by the patient during the encounter.


The name of the provider who saw the patient during the encounter.

Dx Category

The diagnosis category recorded for the encounter.

Dx Code

The primary and secondary diagnosis codes recorded for the encounter.

Note: To view the full descriptions of the recorded primary and secondary diagnosis codes, hover over the code values in the table to reveal a caption.

Px Code

The primary and secondary procedure codes recorded for the encounter.

Note: To view the full descriptions of the recorded primary and secondary procedure codes, hover over the code values in the table to reveal a caption.

Insurance Type

The type of insurance reported by the patient at the time of the encounter.


The healthcare location where the patient was seen for the encounter.

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