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New User Onboarding


HealthInfoNet attempts to make new user onboarding processes as simple as possible, all while prioritizing the privacy and security of the information available in the Clinical Portal. Our team of support technicians, educators, account specialists, and project managers are available along the way to answer questions and to keep the ball moving so that users can begin leveraging the information available to inform care decisions.

Account Authorization

To obtain access to the Clinical Portal, participant staff must contact the designated Account Authorizer (i.e., Help Desk user) at their organization to approve their access and to initiate subsequent onboarding efforts. If a staff member is approved as a new user, the Account Authorizer may be able to either credential the user directly by using their Help Desk role functions or may be required to contact HealthInfoNet’s Customer Care team ( to begin the credentialing process.

For more information about the process to obtain access to the Clinical Portal based on each participant organization’s connection configuration, visit the section on New User Request Form.

Newly credentialed users will receive a welcome email from HealthInfoNet’s Customer Care team with the necessary Clinical Portal login information, including their system username, password, and URL. Subsequently, HealthInfoNet’s Clinical Education team will be in touch with the new user to schedule a training and education session, if desired.

Initial Login Workflow

VPN Connection Workflow

To log in to the Clinical Portal for the first time, users should:

  1. Follow the instructions in the welcome email and click the hyperlink to visit the Clinical Portal.

  2. Enter their designated username and temporary password (per the welcome email) into the provided login fields.

  3. Select the "Login" button to prompt a password reset.

  4. Review and accept the Clinical Portal disclaimer (only required upon initial system login).

Upon logging in to the Clinical Portal, users will arrive to the system's landing page and can begin navigating the system per their defined role features.

VIP Connection Workflow

To log in to the Clinical Portal for the first time, users should:

  1. Follow the instructions in the welcome email and click the hyperlink to visit the Clinical Portal.

  2. Enter their designated username and temporary password (per the welcome email) into the provided login fields.

  3. Select the "Login" button, which will prompt users to:

    1. Confirm their 2FA Credential ID and enter the current Security Code displayed in the designated workstation’s 2FA application.

    2. Reset their temporary password to one of their choosing.

  4. Review and accept the Clinical Portal disclaimer (only required upon initial system login).

Upon logging in to the Clinical Portal, users will arrive to the system's landing page and can begin navigating the system per their defined role features.

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